10:42 AM |
- Pacific.scoop.co.nz - http://pacific.scoop.co.nz - Solomon Islands Truth and Reconciliation Commission hearings begin Solomon Islanders are about to give their account of the violence that swept the Pacific nation from 1998 to 2003. Pacific Scoop: The Solomon Islands Truth and Reconciliation Commission has begun hearing eye witness accounts of the violence that swept the Pacific nation between 1998 and 2003. The hearings will take place Tuesday and Wednesday March 9-10 at the Forum Fisheries Agency in Honiara. The Solomon Islands' Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) was launched by South Africa's former Archbishop Desmond Tutu. Tutu who was influential in guiding South Africa toward democracy during its Apartheid era and advocated a peaceful transition through the years that followed the collapse of the racist Apartheid regime. According to a United Nations Development Program (UNDP) statement, the hearings will be open to the public and witnesses and victims from Guadalcanal, Malaita, Western Province, and Choiseul will appear before the commission. The TRC is an independent body with five commissioners, including three from the Solomon Islands. They are: Sam Ata of Solomon Islands (Chair); Sofia Macher of Peru (Deputy Chair); George Kejoa of Solomon Islands; Carolyn Laore of Solomon Islands; and Ratu Joni Madraiwiwi of Fiji. UNDP stated tensions in the Solomon Islands saw 100 people murdered and approximately 20,000 persons were displaced in during the unrest that swept the Melanesian nation over a six year period. "The public hearing gives victims and witnesses of crimes committed during the tensions in Solomon Islands the chance to give testimony on their experiences," the UNDP statement said. Amnesty International said it monitored the violence during the crisis, and its Australia Campaign Coordinator, Hannah Harborow, will speak at the first public hearing in Honiara. Hannah Harborow said: "We hope the Truth and Reconciliation Commission will ensure that those who suffered during the conflict are heard and their experiences acknowledged." She said many of the victims were Solomon Islands women and the hearings provide a forum where their side of this tragedy can be heard: "During the course of these public hearings we need to be able to hear the voices of women who suffered violence, such as rape or assault, and other human rights violations," Hannah Harborow said. Article printed from Pacific.scoop.co.nz: http://pacific.scoop.co.nz URL to article: http://pacific.scoop.co.nz/2010/03/solomons-truth-and-reconciliation-commission-hearings-set-for-march-16-17/ URLs in this post: [1] Image: http://pacific.scoop.co.nz/wp-content/uploads/2009/10/350_solomonis.jpg Click here to print. Copyright © 2009 pacific. All rights reserved.[1]
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aotearoa, new zealand
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