Thursday, March 25, 2010

[pima.nius] news on PIMA ?

10:29 PM |

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kia orana all,

I understand an interim committee has been set up to look at reconstitution of PIMA.

However, other than that, there are no details to go on. Is there someone on the interim committee that can give us details? As I also understand, it has also proven very difficult for the executive to gain details of membership and finances. Despite doubts about its future, I remain convinced that an organisation with a track record like PIMA has should not just be tossed aside in favour of something "new".

At a time when our regional - and older - counterpart PINA is struggling to remain relevant and accountable to members, it would be a good time for PIMA to step up and offer assistance, where needed, as has happened previously with PACNEWS, when it came to Auckland. However if we can't get our own affairs in order, small chance of anything like that happening. I would suggest there is a need for an extraordinary general meeting to be held, as per the constitution, to formalise whatever the interim committee is doing (or not doing ha ha), well ahead of the AGM in ... October?



pacific islands media association
aotearoa, new zealand
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