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Ashika inquiry chairman censures PM Sevele over 'inappropriate' remark
Posted By Rua On February 25, 2010 @ 9:06 am In Articles, Tonga | No Comments

Princess Ashika disaster's death toll of 74 passengers and crew made it the nation's worst shipping tragedy. Photo: TNews.
Pacific Scoop:
By Pese Fonua in Nuku'alofa
Tonga's Prime Minister, Dr Feleti Sevele, has been censured for making an "inappropriate" personal remark to counsel assisting, in a closing statement he gave to the Princess Ashika disaster inquiry following an intense session of questioning that continued until midnight on Tuesday.
When the session reopened, Justice Warwick, the chairman of the Commission of Inquiry into the sinking of the MV Princess Ashika, said the Prime Minister had made a personal attack on counsel assisting, Manuel Varitimos.
"Last evening the Prime Minister gave evidence. The Prime Minister via his counsel asked whether he could make a statement at the conclusion of his evidence. The Prime Minister was allowed to do so in good faith.
"The Prime Minister took the opportunity given to him to make a personal attack on counsel assisting. The attack was inappropriate," Justice Warwick Andrew said, adding: "Questions will continue to be asked which some may not like. That is the nature of an inquiry of this sort."
After midnight
On Tuesday, the Prime Minister appeared before the commission for the second time, in an evening session starting at 7 pm.
Apart from two short breaks, the inquiry did not adjourn until 12:22 am, but before Justice Warwick declared the inquiry closed for the night, the Prime Minister was given the opportunity to make a statement.
Dr Sevele said: "The Ashika tragedy represents one of the saddest losses to have befallen our beloved kingdom . . . One over which every Tongan with no exception has mourned or continues to mourn."
On behalf of himself and the government, he extended his sympathies to the families who lost loved ones and said: "We are truly sorry and I, as Prime Minister, apologise most sincerely for the failings which have happened at various levels of government and of the Shipping Corporation of Polynesia. . . . The tragedy should never have happened."
Dismay revealed
But then, in a conclusion, the Prime Minister went on to address a suggestion that he had been dictatorial in the time schedule to attend the inquiry, but he pointed out that his attendance to sit into the middle of the night was evidence of the government's commitment to an open, fair and impartial inquiry.
He revealed his dismay at the questioning by the commission, in regard to Cabinet proceedings.
"It has been suggested here, much to my dismay, Mr Chairman, as Prime Minister, that perhaps Cabinet should think of recording its discussions, recording those who dissent in the interests of transparency.
"Mr Chairman, Tonga is not alone in having the procedure whereby discussions in Cabinet are not recorded," he said.
Dr Sevele, who was upset over the commission's questioning of the king's power to appoint Tonga's law lords, said: "A suggestion that the Law Lords are a law unto themselves, Mr Chairman – this is a direct attack on His Majesty's constitutional authority, an attack which I find constitutes condescending arrogance and downright disrespect."
But it appeared to be a final remark in the Prime Minister's statement that irked the chairman, when Dr Sevele said: "Finally, counsel assisting the Commission, you may be an excellent counsel in Australia, but when you are in the Kingdom of Tonga, please try to understand our constitution and show some respect for our monarch, for our government, our people and our culture. Thank you very much."
Source: Matangi Tonga [3]
Article printed from Pacific.scoop.co.nz: http://pacific.scoop.co.nz
URL to article: http://pacific.scoop.co.nz/2010/02/ashika-inquiry-chairman-censures-pm-sevele/
URLs in this post:
[1] Image: http://pacific.scoop.co.nz/wp-content/uploads/2009/08/princess_ashika.jpg
[2] Image: http://pacific.scoop.co.nz/wp-content/uploads/2010/02/tonga_sevele_100224-e1267041350875.jpg
[3] Matangi Tonga : http://www.matangitonga.to/article/tonganews/law/20100224_tonga_ashika_inquiry_warwick.shtml
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