Friday, May 29, 2009

[pima.nius] Fakalofa lahi atu

12:07 AM |

Fakalofa Lahi Atu,

From the isles of Niue we say thank you to Shimpal Lelisi and Tagata Pasifika for their presentation on Niue last night.
It is a pity not to hear from this news forum so I thought I would share a little.
The budget? We don't hear much from the Pacific community regarding what this means?
I wonder what do people think of it? Is the insulation idea a good one?
On the Barbara Dreaver. What has happened since the BSA complaint went in?
I am shocked that still TVOne is airing a promo which features a bit from the item.
It airs on TVOne with the logo at the end "Qantas Media Award Winner, Best News"
Having that snippet on air even while it is under a BSA procedure shows that TVOne does not take the BSA or the concerns of the Samoans people very seriously.
This adds to their lack of credibility and disregard towards the matter.
Those are my thoughts for the moment and I hope others will be brave enough to keep this forum going.

to lui mai au
Have a good long weekend

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