1:04 AM |
Monitoring and advocacy for freedom of expression and information in the Pacific "Engaging is the Pacific Way. It should always be the preferred option. But it needs commitment from both sides to work. One has to engage within boundaries that do not compromise your founding creed or your credibility in the eyes of those you represent. Putting it in writing will help PINA's leadership explain why it has failed to do the most basic of actions -- expel a member who was in fact attacking the human rights of other members. I applaud Netani Rika for his walkout on his own session, but also wonder why other PINA members did not do the same in disappointment. Session and workshop resolutions were loosely or not minuted, speakers were pulled at the last minute to Monitoring and advocacy for freedom of expression and information in the Pacific include those perpetrating threats on a panel of media freedom heroes, and we have yet to see a PINA communiqué which provides the true justification to funders and those of us who were not there, for the event even taking place." "The PFF formalised its request for partnership and placed it before the AGM of the outgoing and incoming leadership. We accept that in the rush of the AGM, this and other important matters were relegated until the next meeting of the new executive later this year. It is our intention to continue our work in parallel with a strong and transparent PINA, in ways that support the founding credo behind both PINA and PFF: media freedom for a better Pacific." PFF will be submitting a draft MOU for consideration by the new PINA executive. "We acknowledge that the new leadership is already mindful of the task ahead, and stand by prepared to assist in any way possible," says co-chair Monica Miller," but we feel the promise of a renewed and fresh new PINA has yet to be met, particularly in the wake of the 2009 Pacific Media Summit. " "A regional organisation which touts media freedom as its basis for existence cannot afford to have its premiere biennial event close under a cloud; and we fully support the will of PINA's President Moses Stevens and his Vice-President John Woods in acting quickly and effectively with the PINA Coordinator Matai Akauola, to address the issues surrounding such a loss of faith." "PFF and other organizations engaged with, or wanting to engage with PINA, will be watching carefully for Mr Stevens to prove himself and his leadership credentials. Given what happened amongst journalists in Vanuatu in the lead up to and during PINA 09, it's clear he has to begin to hone and prove all these skills in his own backyard," she says.-- Mobile: 675-684 5168 | Office: 675-321-7040 | Email: susuve.laumaea@interoil.com PFF interim co-Chair Monica Miller | KHJ Radio | American Samoa Mob 684 258-4197 | Office 684 633-7793 | Email: monica@khjradio.com
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