1:47 PM |
celebrating ten years of better networking and a space to share their
concerns have reached a regional milestone, says the Pacific Freedom
PFF joins other regional colleagues in congratulating the Pacific
Islands Media Association, PIMA, for reaching a decade of networking
and solidarity. "Already a minority in a country which has a strong
Pacific population and is host the world's largest Polynesian centre,
a relatively small cadre of Pacific Islands journalists working in New
Zealand have come through a tough decade for journalists, let alone
New Zealand journalists and Pacific journalists. That is
inspirational," says Papua New Guinea's Titi Gabi, who chairs the
regional media freedom network.
"PFF is not even half the age of PIMA. But the concerns over keeping
professional standards in an industry facing high turnover and lack of
interest as a long term career are shared. And the networking offered
by linking with other journalists is definitely something which has
marked the development of Pacific media in recent years."
The emergence and growth of institutions such as the Auckland
University of Technology's Pacific Media Centre is helping to lead
quality tertiary training and debates for Pacific journalists in New
Zealand and the region, and continues to help boost membership and
support for PIMA, says co-chair Monica Miller of American Samoa.
"We celebrate with our Pacific colleagues this week, and look forward
to more shared efforts in future," she says.
Miller was amongst those attending the May 2011 UNESCO World Press
Freedom Day regional events in Apia, where PIMA formed part of the
inaugural membership of the Media Alliance of the Pacific. The MAP
grouping provides a common platform for the different Pacific regional
media networks to come together on issues and concerns they share,
such as media freedom and training actions. -- ENDS
PIMA website www.pima.co.nz
Pacific Media Centre website www.pmc.aut.ac.nz
CONTACT: PFF Chair Titi Gabi | Freelance Journalist | Papua New Guinea
Mail: PO Box 7776, Boroko, NCD, Papua New Guinea | Mob: (675) 7314
3929 | Email: titi.gabipng@gmail.com PFF co-Chair Monica Miller | KHJ
Radio | American Samoa Mob 684 258-4197 | Office 684 633-7793 | Email:
monica@khjradio.com The Pacific Freedom Forum are a regional and
global online network of Pacific media colleagues, with the specific
intent of raising awareness and advocacy of the right of Pacific
people to enjoy freedom of expression and be served by a free and
independent media. We believe in the critical and basic link between
these freedoms, and the vision of democratic and participatory
governance pledged by our leaders in their endorsement of the Pacific
Plan and other commitments to good governance. In support of the
above, our key focus is monitoring threats to media freedom and
bringing issues of concern to the attention of the wider regional and
international community.
Lisa Williams-Lahari
Media Freelancer
Regional Coordinator, IFJ Pacific Media for Democracy and Human Rights
Ph Mobile: 677-7574230
Skype: lisalahari
* "Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that
matter."-- Martin Luther King Jr. *
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